Patten Lecture: Martha Gonzalez
Collective Songwriting: Theory and Knowledge Production
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Collective Songwriting: Theory and Knowledge Production
Chican@ Artivistas at the Intersection of Hope and Imagination
2024 State of the University Address
AI - Pick Two: Fast, Cheap, or Good?
Defining the Discipline of Robotics for Excellence and Equity through Humanoid Robotics
“Advancing the IU Universe.”
A Memorial Service for IU Bloomington Faculty, Staff, and Students
President Whitten's 2023 State of the University Address
From Rio de Janeiro (1992) to Paris (2015) to the Future: Why is international cooperation on climate change so difficult to achieve and will it get easier?
Short Memories, Long Time Frames, Perverse Incentives: How Well Will We Adapt to Climate Change?
IU Purdue Signing Ceremony.For more information about the Indiana University Board of Trustees, please visit https://trustees.iu.edu/
Overcoming Vetocracy: Democratic Decision-making and the Climate Crisis, Part II
Overcoming Vetocracy: Democratic Decision-making and the Climate Crisis, Part I
Left is not Woke
What I learned since I wrote Learning from the Germans
President Whitten's 2022 State of the University Address
"The Bookends of My Life," a reading with commentary
"Unbound Tongues," Radical Women of Color Feminism Revisited
"Partnership in Practice: Making Conservation Work in Madagascar"
Powering Student Success - ITLC Leadership Awards and Closing Keynote
"Madagascar: Journeys Through Time"
Powering Student Success - Opening Keynote & Panel Discussion
Higher Education's Premier Nonpartisan Foreign Policy Conference
Higher Education's Premier Nonpartisan Foreign Policy Conference
"Hiding in the Climate Crisis: Honest Hope in Democratic Action"
"Diet for a Small Planet: From Choice to Necessity"
Higher Education's Premier Nonpartisan Foreign Policy Conference
"FULLNESS: The Art of the Whole"
Features the unveiling of the 1998–2020 panels of the Wright Quad murals—depicting the history of IU Bloomington
Features the unveiling of paintings Lux et Veritas.
"Vexy Thing: On Gender and Liberation"
"From Me to We: Searching for the Genetic Roots of Sociality"
"Sociogenomics and the Dynamic Genome: A New Perspective on Nature and Nurture"
"Marxism Engages Bourdieu"
"Universities in Crisis"
"Sadie and the Sadists: A Reading of New Poems and Song Lyrics"
“Racism, Race, and the Rhetorical Labors of (Bio)Diversity”
"Teaching Slow Food Values in a Fast Food Culture"
Le Sens et les sens/Sense and the Senses: International Colloquium for 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies
"Forty Years After: Reflections on Food, Famine and Hunger in the West African Sahel"
"Taking Risks: Oil Frontiers and the Accumulation of Insecurity"
"Totentanz. Operationalizing Aby Warburg's Atlas of Images”
"Patterns and Interpretation”
Keynote speaker Mr. John Quiñones
"India and the United States: Caste, Race, and Economic Growth"
"Moral Deficiencies in the Arithmetic of Compassion"
"King Abdullah as Reformer: An Overview of U.S.Saudi Relations"
"The Psychology of Risk”
"False Equivalence: Is Media Balance a Trap in an Atypical Election?"
Foreign Policy and Security Issues
Global and Economic Issues
"Mendel, Muller, Morgan, Mom and Me: An ever-expanding voyage of discovery"
"Global Antisemitism, Demonization, and the Laundering of Delegitimization under Universal Public Values"
“A Brief History of Flight from the State”
"The Domestication of Fire, Plants, Animals and ... Us”
"The Political Economy of Patriarchal Systems"
"Monsters of the Economic: Inequality, Fear, and Loathing in America"
"Sam Loyd: Puzzle King"
"The Art of the Puzzle"
A discussion with Reverend William Barber, NC NAACP, and Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO
Is Science Enough? A Conversation on Naturalism, Faith, and Meaning
Human Resources: The Road to the Bicentennial
21st Century Curriculum, Part 2
21st Century Curriculum, Part 1
"U.S. and China: Challenges and Opportunities"
"Integrating Liberal Learning and Professional Education"
Reading From "Flood of Fire" (forthcoming)
"From Bombay to Canton: Traveling the Opium Route to 19th-Century China."
“Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Have Obscured the Truth on Issues From Tobacco Smoke to Climate Change.”
“Crying Wolf v. Fiddling While Rome Burns: Historical Perspectives on Scientists' Social Responsibility.”
Town Hall Forum - Part 2
Discussing the Question: "Is Faith in God Reasonable?"
Town Hall Forum - Part 1
The Logical Structure of Human Civilization
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