The School of Informatics and Computing has emerged as a leader in Indiana for computing and information technology education, research, and economic development. SoIC’s graduates are the human capital essential in today’s tech-driven society, and the School’s success has led to explosive growth during the past five years. This growth has put extreme pressure on the School’s facilities, with both teaching and research space stretched beyond their limits.
The new building will be a teaching and research hub for students and faculty in the school. In addition to providing teaching and research spaces, the building provides an innovation center supporting entrepreneurship, a community center devoted to the school’s diversity programs, and common spaces to draw in the community as well as serve the building’s occupants.
The dedicated site for this building is north of the School’s current complex on Woodlawn Avenue. The building is a noteworthy and historic addition to campus as the first building brought to life in IU’s master plan for a Woodlawn corridor that extends from the campus north to the athletic facilities. We will be the cornerstone of IU's newest and most significant campus development.